IDS 2019
MIS Implants Experience

The challenge for the MIS project was to present the company’s products in a new and innovative way. One that would be engaging, and at the same time both effective and informative.
We designed and created three interactive tables which were set up in the booth. Each table top screen was triggered, using a unique technology, by physical items that were placed on top of the table.
Each physical item opened a different interactive menu; including a 3D model of the product, allowing the salespeople to explain the various features and multitude of advantages. We also created a Power Wall at the booth in order to introduce MIS’ new branding to the audience. The wall used stop-motion video, where the employees of the company were used as the actors.
The result was that these tables attracted many visitors, and the salespeople enjoyed working with the interactive tool. They enjoyed using these tools so much so that MIS continued to use this element at other exhibitions, making this the new standard way for them to present their products to their audience moving forward.