How to Get the Most from Limited Space?

If you are going to invest time, resources, and effort in order to be present at an exhibition- GO BOLD!

Sometimes you are not in a position to book a 300sqm booth at an exhibition. Leaving you to ask, “How do I wow the visitors with limited space?”

Virtual Reality.

A few short weeks ago Telemedia was in Thailand at Defense and Security 2017. With just 28 sqm to work with we wowed the over 1500 visitors to Sibat’s booth with an out of this world virtual reality experience; highlighting all of Sibat’s cyber-security capabilities.

With 7 specialized chairs we created what felt like a private screening for each visitor to experience “Time to Act!”. They were each outfitted with a pair of VR glasses and headsets to mask the din of the crowd around them.

The result for many was a totally immersive experience. Where the audience felt like they got a personal, detailed explanation as to what Sibat’s special services were.

With a small space you can completely transport and immerse your audience into a whole other world, a world where they can experience your product first hand, where it is just them, and your product. No distractions.

This technology gives you more freedom in highlighting your company’s message than a standard 2D film and graphics. Because of it’s 3D nature you can give a 360 degree view of all the elements and capabilities of your product. The more your audience can clearly see (and especially experience) your USP, the faster they will sign up to purchase from you.

Most importantly, it’s ridiculously cool. The child in everyone comes out and audience members were all smiles after the experience.

Hear what audience members had to say for themselves HERE